Saturday, December 27, 2008
Shock And Awe In The Gaza Strip
It's about time Israel committed itself to it's own defense no matter what the anti-Semitic "world community" thinks. Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. Instead of improving the lives of the Gazan Palestinians since gaining control there last year, Hamas has done nothing but attack Israel. The Israelis have been patient, even naive, in dealing with these Palestinian scumbags. Trying to please the world, trying to be humane, Israel let its people get bombarded by endless rocket attacks without fighting back. And what did the Jewish state get for that? Nothing but contempt and condemnation just for existing. That stopped today.
Today, Israel unleashed its armed might against that nest of vipers in Gaza. Israeli planes bombed Hamas strongholds, killing at least 200 people, and the offensive shows no sign of slowing. I hope and pray that this is just the beginning. I hope and pray that Israel is determined not to stop until Hamas is utterly decimated, no matter how many civilian casualties that requires. The last thing Israel needs is a repeat of the disastrous Lebanon war of '06, when she caved to world opinion and stopped fighting way short of victory. The result of that is that Hezboallah is now stronger than it was two years ago. Israel can't afford that again.
So far, Israel has said that its aim in this offensive is to stop Hamas's rocket attacks. That doesn't sit well with me. While stopping the rocket attacks is good, Israel's goal should be larger than that. Her goal should be to ensure her survival. Personally, I think that should mean cleansing Gaza entirely of Palestinians. Israel should force the Gazan Palestinians into the Sinai desert and let their Arab "brothers" take care of them. She should then repopulate Gaza with patriotic Israelis who are unapologetically committed to their nation's survival. Israel almost certainly won't do this but she should, and then tell the "world community" to f**k off.
Where ever Israel's current offensive leads I pray the Jewish state has the resolve to fight to total victory for, as Winston Churchill said in his nation's darkest hour, without victory there is no survival. Hail Israel!!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Quotable Quotes: On Multiculturalism
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Merry Dhimmitude!
In Armonk, New York the Islamic star and crescent has been added to the village's Christmas display along with the Christmas tree and the menorah. Never mind that there isn't an Islamic holiday in December; the PC whipped townlet felt it was time to be inclusive--man I hate that word!--and celebrate all cultures during this Christian holiday. Actually, this wasn't the town's idea. Asad Jilani, a Muslim resident of Armonk, felt left out--poor thing!--and asked the village to include the symbol for his religion, you know, the one that inspires people the world over to murder "infidels", i.e. you and me. Such inclusiveness. All to promote peace, you see. Good, good, good vibrations!
When the star and crescent went up Jilani and two other townspeople expressed the majority opinion, calling the Islamic display "very attractive" and Armonk "magnificent" for being so open. The director of the Armonk Chamber of Commerce, Judy Wesley, was pleased at Armonk's "spirit of inclusion" and claimed that "Jesus Christ himself would have gathered everyone around Him." What ARE these people smoking?!?!
Let me explain something to the clueless, self-hating dhimmis of Armonk. Armonk is a town in New York. New York is a state in the United States of America. The U.S. of A is a country in Western civilization. The religious heritage of Western civilization is CHRISTIAN. During Christmas we Westerners celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ who gave us our Christian heritage. Christmas was never meant to be "inclusive". It is an expression of our great Judeo-Christian culture, a culture we should CHERISH, not submerge into a messy, multicultural composite.
The culture that should be celebrated in the West is Western culture, and it should be celebrated without apology. Islam is not part of our heritage, except when we fought against its efforts to conquer us. We have NO obligation to put the star and crescent in our Christmas displays or any where else, for that matter. And if Muslims complain? Tough. Their demands for tolerance and inclusion would have more credibility if they practiced those things themselves. How tolerant is the Islamic Republic of Iran, which hangs homosexuals? How inclusive is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where Islam is the only legal religion?
Instead of whining about being left out of our holiday festivities, Asad Jilani and other Western Muslims should be out protesting the tyranny and intolerance of Muslim societies. And we true Westerners should firmly reject unilateral tolerance, unilateral inclusiveness, and unilateral multiculturalism and recommit ourselves to pride in OUR OWN culture. We need to reawaken ourselves to the greatness of Western Christian civilization and fight for its survival. Otherwise "Merry Christmas" will be replaced with "Merry Dhimmitude".
In the Spirit of Martel may we live!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Another Capitulation To Muslims
In Serbia--Serbia!--TJoM was pulled off bookstore shelves and the publisher apologized for publishing it after some Muslim group threatened to protest. When are we in the West going to stop doing this? Muslims kill us or threaten to kill us repeatedly; they oppress their religious and/or ethnic minorities; they execute homosexuals and "unchaste" women; they call for the destruction of an entire nation; yet we strain to be sensitive to their little feelings. This Spellberg person felt she had to warn Muslims about a novel that supposedly "made fun of [them] and their history". Ah yes, it's MUCH worse for a Westerner to make fun of Muslims than it is for Muslims to actually kill Westerners. You see, they wouldn't feel compelled to murder us if we understood them better. So goes the thinking of Quislings like Spellberg. I ask again, when are we in the West going to stop this?!
Freedom of speech used to be a cherished principle in Hesperia. Now, protecting Muslims' feelings is the highest good. What's wrong with a little censorship if it serves the cause of not offending Mohammed's followers? Isn't refraining from giving such offense the best way to prevent terrorism? The more we show Muslims that we like them, that we're on their side, to the point of violating our own rights and freedoms, then surely they'll drop this jihad nonsense and live in peace with us. Sherry Jones, the auther of TJoM, claimed that she wrote "respectfully" of the "great historical figures" Mohammed and Aisha, and that her book was meant to be a "bridge-builder" between Muslims and Westerners. Well Ms. Jones, just look at what your appeasement got you.
Muslims don't want to intergrate into Western civilization; they want to Islamize it. Appeasement emboldens them. They use fear of terrorist violence or mere protests to cow us Westerners into living by Islamic rules, chief of which is the rule that Islam, Mohammed, and Muslims must NEVER be offended. You can photograph a crucifix in a jar of urine. You can make an image of the Virgin Mary out of elephant dung. You can trash the Catholic church in books like "The Da Vinci Code" and mock evangelical Protestants in movies like "Saved!" and in inumerable tv shows. Freedom of speech absolutely allows that. But we must not think that freedom of speech protects criticism of Islam. What a warmongering notion!
Muslims will keep pushing and pushing the envelope until we wake up one morning and find that Sharia law has become the law of the land. I repeat, appeasement only emboldens them. It convinces Muslims that they can win because the West is too self-loathing to defend itself. Canadian author Mark Steyn, who had his own battle with protect-the-Muslims censorship, wrote that the future belongs to the fertile and the confident. We Westerners consistenly show that we are neither while Muslims are definitely both.
But all is not yet lost. There is reason for hope. Shortly after "The Jewel of Medina" was cancelled by Random House publishers in Italy, Spain, and Hungary bought rights to the book. Bravo to them! There are still those in the West who cherish our liberties and our civilization and will not be intimidated by Islam. The Italian, Spanish, and Hungarian publishers of TJoM will, no doubt, come in for such intimidation but I have a strong feeling that they will not cave. Their steadfastness will tell the Muslims that the Islamization of the West is not assured. There are still Westerners with the will and the guts to fight for their land. They are the Hammer Folk, the shield of Hesperia, and with God's help they will save Western civilization.
In the spirit of Martel may we live!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
Woman, Kill Thyself
So, what trigged this distaff rebellion? It was a statement by Al Qaeda's number two man, Ayman al-Zawahiri who, on a jihadi website, denied there were women in Al Qaeda, thereby angering many of the women who are, in fact, part of the organization. On the website al-Zawahiri took a very traditional Islamic position, saying that women's role in jihad is to raise children and support their "brothers" who are fighting. This didn't sit well with a lot of the liberated ladies of radical Islam. Oh no. Just supporting the brothers isn't enough. They want any willing Muslim woman to be allowed to kill herself for Allah and experience martyrdom. Just what female martyrs will receive on their entrance to paradise--are they even guaranteed paradise?--isn't said, but I highly doubt it'll be a mansion full of virgins like the men get.
Some militant Muslims have been using female suicide bombers for some time. Those progressive Palestinians lead the way on that. Al-Zawahiri, though, wasn't willing to give the feminine martyrs their proper due. The hungry-for-martyrdom feminists are out to change that. It'll be interesting to see how this gender spat turns out. Who could imagine women complaining that they aren't allowed to kill themselves or aren't given proper kudos when they do? Only in the religion of peace, folks. Only in the religion of peace.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Chalk Up One For The Aussies!
Australia's new prime minister, Kevin Rudd, is taking Iran's president to court! Rudd is making good on a campaign promise he made to Australia's Jewish community. Rudd said if elected he would take Ahmadenijad to court in the ICJ for inciting hatred against Jews, calling for the destruction of Israel, and denying the Holocaust. What makes this shocking is that Rudd is a center-left PM, the head of the Australian Labor Party. Such unabashed opposition to Iran from a left-leaning politcian is almost unheard of. What we usually get from them is a witch's brew of anti-Zionist and anti-American justifications for Islamic terrorism and anti-Semitism. Rudd is a refreshing change of pace.
What will become of Australia's lawsuit against Ahmadenijad? Will the International Court of Justice actually do anything to Iran? Probably not. I suspect that body will prove to be as impotent and anti-Western as the UN. Still, I'm jubilant that a country besides the United States and a leader besides George W. Bush sees the mullahs' Iran for the evil entity that it is. Chalk up one for Kevin Rudd! Chalk up one for the Aussies! Now if only the rest of Hesperia will get it.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Fitna The Movie -Original English Version- [Part 1]
Here's part one of Dutch PM Geert Wilders' courageous film exposing the truth of Islam. I'm amazed that it's still on YouTube, but it probably won't be for long. I'm sure YT will eventually cave to the threats of those peaceful Muslims just like its British counterpart LiveLeak did. That's why I'm snagging "Fitna" for HFW now. As we watch this film I hope all Hammer Folk will be strengthened in their mission to save Western, Christian civilization from the deadly ideology of Islam.
Fitna The Movie -Original English Version- [Part 2]
Here's the second half of Geert Wilder's spot on movie. Remember this is what Islam is really like. I just hope we open our eyes and take action to save our civilization before it's too late.
God bless Geert Wilders!
God save the Netherlands!
God save America!
God save Hesperia!
God save Christianity!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Battle Hymn Of The Anti-Jihad!
Finally, a band that gets it!!!! Rap/rock artists Stuck Mojo have dropped a musical atom bomb on radical Islam with their stirring song "Open Season".
I came across this awesome video while surfing on Pela68's blog. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. A rap/rock band that boldly, loudly, and proudly declares the truth about Islam and pointedly warns the jihadis what awaits them if they "step in my hood." This song is the battle hymn of the global anti-jihad. Listen and take heart.
And so you won't miss a thing from the message of "Open Season" I've written the lyrics below. The only complaint I have is the use of some profanity, but it's not as bad as it could be considering this is a rap song.
"Open Season", by Stuck Mojo, from the album "Southern Born Killers".
I speak peace when peace is spoken. But I speak war when your hate is provoking. The season is open 24-7-365, man up yo time to ride. No need to hide behind slogans of deceit claiming you're a religion of peace. We don't believe you, we can clearly see through the madness you're feeding your people. Jihad the cry of your uholy war using the willing, the weak, and the poor. From birth drowning in propaganda, rhetoric and slander, all we can say is damn ya!
My forefathers fought and died for this here. I'm stronger than your war of fear. Are we clear? If you step in my hood it's understood. It's open season.
I don't need a faith that's blind, where death and hate bring me peace of mind, with views that are stuck deep in the seventh century. So much sand in your eyes too blind to see the venom that your leaders preach is the path to your own destruction, your own demise. You might say that I don't understand but your disgust for me is what I realize. Surprise! Your homicidal ways has got the whole world watching, whole world scoping. So if you bring it to my home base best believe it: the season's open.
I see you, hell yeah I see you. Motherfvcker naw I don't wanna be you. If you come to my place I'll drop more that just some bass. Yo! You'll get a taste of a sick motherfvcker from the Dirty. I ain't worrying not a fvcking bit. I'm telescoping like Hubble. Yo! You in trouble. Yo! On the double. I'm wild with mine, bring that style with mine. Fvck with my family I'll end your life. Just the way it is, just the way it be. Do you understand? No matter if you're woman, or man or child my profile is crazy. That sh!t you do doesn't amaze me. I'm ready to blaze thee.
I don't give a damn what god you claim. I've seen the innocent that you've slain. On my street you're just fair game. Like a pig walk to your slaughter. The heat here is so much hotter, and my views won't teeter totter or fluctuate. Step to me you just met your fate. And I'll annihilate with the skill of a Shogun assassin. Slicing and dicing precise with a passion in any shape, form, or fashion. Bring it to my home, welcome to the danger zone. 'Cause your attitude's the reason the triggers keep squeezing. The hunt is on and it's open season.
It's open season!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I Stand With Serbia
In the current crisis caused by the unilateral declaration of independence by the Kosovar Albanians, I stand with Serbia. I don't do this because the Serbs are more innocent than anyone else in the Balkans; they are not. The Serbs have committed their share of atrocities, as have ALL the Balkan peoples, although media coverage of the Bosnian and Kosovar wars in the '90's made it appear that the Serbs were the only aggressors. I stand with Serbia because she was dealt a gross injustice by the international community. I stand with Serbia because a hole was torn in her national soul to, I believe, appease resurgent Islam.
Please understand this. Kosovo isn't some meaningless piece of land Serbia acquired recently in its history. No, Kosovo is the heart and soul of Serbia; it is Serbia's Jerusalem. To rip Kosovo from Serbia in the name of some sort of ethnic justice is absurd and criminal. If the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo felt persecuted by the Serbs they could've just returned to their own country, Albania.
Indeed, returning the Kosovar Albanians to Albania would've been the truly just solution to the ethnic unrest in Kosovo. Had they wanted to, the Western powers could've made that solution a reality. They could've forced Albania and the Kosovars to accept a humane repatriation plan. To sweeten the deal a generous economic aid package could've been given to Albania to help it absorb the refugees. An aid package could've been given to Serbia too, to help it through any economic dislocation caused by the exit of hundreds of thousands of people from its territory. The main loser in this plan would've been Albania's Christian minority which would've been made smaller by the influx of the predominately Muslim Kosovars. That would've been a relatively small price to pay, though, to prevent the establishment of a second Muslim state in Europe.
Alas, the Western powers didn't have the balls to propose let alone enforce such a plan. They found it easier to tear Serbia asunder in order to benefit Muslims who, no doubt, will prove utterly ungrateful in the end. I hope and pray that Serbia will soon be strong enough to retake Kosovo, by force if necessary. Forcibly expelling, as opposed to peacefully repatriating, the Kosovar Albanians may be necessary for the Serbs to keep control of their ancestral heartland. That's not a pretty thought but it would be the ultimate result of the Kosovars trying to create Greater Albania on Serbian land. It would be preferable if it didn't come to that but if history unfolds that way I want the world to know I stand with Serbia!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
No Money For You, Missie
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born Dutch citizen and former MP, has lived under armed guard since the 2004 murder of Theo Van Gogh, with whom she made an anti-Islamic film. The Dutch government recently stopped paying for Ali's security, forcing her to appear before the European Parliament (EP) on Valentine's Day to plead for aid. The cost of her security, Ali explained, "is beyond anything I can pay". The EP referred her request to a committee. Encouragingly, some French MPs offered French citizenship to Ali so the French government could protect her. I don't know if Ali accepted their proposal.
This entire episode is an outrage! It should arouse fierce anger in the heart of every Dutch national and every member of the Hammer Folk. The Dutch government has thrown one of its own to the wolves. If Ali doesn't immigrate to France or some other country willing to protect her, she's a dead woman. The jihadis would've succeeded in frightening a Western government out of it's most sacred duty: defending its people. If this proves to be the case, Europe is doomed. Denmark can't stop the Islamic horde alone. Join me in praying the Netherlands will revive its courage and stand against Islamic darkness. All our lives, not just Ayaan Hirsi Ali's, depend on it.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Just What We Need, Another Muslim State!
I admit that when Bill Clinton bombed Serbia in 1999 in order to help the Kosovar Albanians I supported him. I thought that the Kosovars were totally the innocent party and, in those pre-9/11 days, their status as Muslims was irrevelant to me. Not anymore. Now that I understand how radical Islam is digging its roots into Europe it's frightening to think it now has a potential new base of operation.
True, the Kosovar Albanians have been called "secular" Muslims and the president of Kosovo has promised it will be a democratic, multiethnic state. Yet, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) which fought Serbia for independence in '98-'99 was known to have radical Islamic elements. The KLA is now disbanded but it's naive, I fear, to think that jihadis won't see an independent Kosovo as a base for the further Islamization of Europe. There's already one predominately Muslim and Albanian nation in Europe: Albania! Why do we need another one? There's something funny going on here. I just hope Europe will figure it out before it's too late.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Here's What You Want, Archbishop!
In Gaza 16 Palestinian Muslims broke into a YMCA, stole everything but the Y's books, then set the building on fire with an explosive device, destroying thousands of books. The attackers were members of Hamas and it's ally organization Popular Resistance Committees. This isn't the first attack on Gazan Christians since Hamas took power in the territory last June. In October of '07 Rami Ayyad, manager of Gaza's only Christian bookstore, was abducted, tortured, and murdered. He had begun receiving death threats, and his store was firebombed, in April. And in September grenades were lobbed at a church.
Sheik Abu Saqer, leader of the group Jihadia Salafiya which carried out the attacks on Ayyad's store and the church, claimed the Y was proselytizing because it had some Muslim children in its nursery. He also said that "missionary activity" was "endangering the Christian community in Gaza." Hmmm. Christians are attacked and murdered and their churches and institutions bombed by Muslims but the Christians are to blame. They are endangering themselves by "proselytizing". But not to worry! Christians can live in peace in Gaza, said Sheik Saqer, so long as they accept Islamic law, including women being covered in public. What a relief!
This is what you want in Britain, Archbishop. Don't kid yourself. There is no such thing as a liberal, Westernized Sharia law. Honor killing, burqas, and bombings of churches is what Sharia is all about. That you would hand over your country and your congregation to this fanaticism is a testimony to your stupidity, cowardice, and self-hatred. You are no Englishman. You are no Hesperian. And you are no Christian. You serve the cause of cultural suicide not the cause of Christ. You are a heretic of the highest order and a traitor to your nation. May God remove you from your authority before you can persuade others to your malicious opinion. That is the only thing that will save Britain. Please God, save Britain!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Path To The Final Solution
Please take the time to watch this nearly 10 minute long video. It's a chilling overview of the virulent anti-Semitism spreading around the world like a cancer.
I want it to be known that the Hammer Folk are staunch opponents of the filthy anti-Semites and their filthy belief. We stand for the survival of Western Christian civilization and understand that there would be no such civilization without Judaism and Jews. We also understand that the greatest threat to our beloved Hesperia is Islam. Muslims who seek our conversion, subjugation, or death are the menace the Hammer Folk stand against with all the strength God gives us.
Listen up you Jew haters. You have NO part in the Hammer Folk family and NO part in our cause. You belong with the Muslims, the Nazis, the communists and all the other enemies of Western Christian civilization. YOU DON'T BELONG WITH US!!!!
The Hammer Folk proudly stand with Israel and the Jews. Does this mean we agree with everything they do? Of course not. We don't agree with everything the nations in our own land do, but we agree with our history, heritage, and culture. And it was the Jews who gave us the Christ who made our history, heritage, and culture what they are. That's why the Hammer Folk stand WITH the Jews, our religious older brothers, and AGAINST the Jew haters and their poison. We will throw them on the same trash heap of history as the jihadis.
God Bless Hesperia!
God Bless the Hammer Folk!
God Bless the Jews!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Why Not Do This To Islam?
Why is it so acceptable in the West to attack Christianity? Perhaps because Christians don't behead people who insult their faith. True, bomb threats were made against "Corpus Christi" when it first opened but no bombings ever took place. So Christian hating gays and other "progressives" feel free to continually mock, ridicule, and attack Christ and His followers. They fancy themselves daring and brave for doing so. But if they truly wanted to be courageous they would mock, ridicule, and attack Islam.
How about Terrence McNally, author of "Corpus Christi", write a play depicting Mohammed and some of his followers as homosexuals. In the play Abu Bakr, Mohammed's best friend and first convert, could give the "prophet" his six-year-old son in marriage rather than his daughter. Mohammed could consummate this marriage when the boy is ten, as he did in real life with Bakr's daughter Aisha. Later, Mohammed could claim that Allah had given him his adopted son's male lover, instead of wife, as his own. Sure, all this would offend Muslims but so what. McNally and his crowd don't give a you-know-what about offending Christians. Why should Muslims be treated with respect?
It's Islamic regimes that are executing gays as violators of morality. Christians who oppose gay marriage do only that; they don't advocate that the government kill gays in order to enforce Biblical morals. Yet Western gay artists and activists remain fixated on Christianity as the primary threat against them. Cowardice explains this disconnect from reality. If McNally wrote the kind of play described above he'd become an instant target for death. In fact, a British Islamic group did issue a fatwa against McNally when "Corpus Christi" ran in London in 1999. The death edict has never been carried out, probably because Jesus isn't the most important figure in Islam's prophet hierarchy. Blasphemy against Mohammed is an altogether different matter. He IS the top dog and "insulting" him is deadly serious business. After seeing how the practitioners of the religion of peace reacted to the publication of mere cartoons of their "prophet", gay activists have been easily terrorized into silence on Islam's anti-gay violence.
Terrence McNally, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Andres Serrano, and others of their ilk who trade in anti-Christian bigotry while ignoring Islamic oppression of women, religious minorities, and gays deserve utter contempt. They are proof of just how cowardly, corrupt, hateful, and pathetic Hesperia's cultural elite is. No credence should be given to anything they say about Christianity or anything else. They should be opposed as fiercely as we oppose enemies of Western Christian civilization for that, in fact, is what they are.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Why Do They Come Here?
The Said sisters' father, an Egyptian immigrant, presumably murdered them because they had become too Western for his liking. Yet what did he expect when raising his children in America, in the West? If Yaser Abdel Said wanted his daughters to be proper Muslim maidens he should've stayed in Egypt and reared them there. In the US he could give his children a Muslim upbringing at home but the expectation that his Islamic values would be reinforced by society was tragically misplaced.
The West is not an Islamic civilization. The Koran is not the foundation of our culture. Yet Muslims come here and have the audacity to get angry that we don't think and live like they do.
They disdain our culture and our values, yet they are coming to Hesperia in record numbers. Again we must ask, why?
Some Muslims immigrate to Western countries simply for a better life, like other Third World residents. But I believe there is more going on with Islamic immigration than that. Islam is an inherently expansionist religion. It's ultimate goal is global domination, an Islamic world. And jihad is the method. We know all to well about violent jihad but Muslims also practice what they call "peaceful" jihad, which aims aren't very peaceful to non-Muslims.
The goal of global Islamic domination will be realized when the majority of the world practices the Islamic faith and/or is under Muslim political control. But how can Islam be spread into the West? Immigration! Immigration is the tip of the spear of peaceful jihad. Through immigration Muslims seek to establish in Western countries a beachhead from which to expand further into our lands. As their numbers grow Muslims strengthen their community even more through a high birthrate and conversion. Reproduction and conversion are weapons two and three in Islam's "peaceful" invasion of the Realm.
As their population explodes Muslims are beginning to flex their muscles culturally and politically. In some European countries Muslims are demanding the right to use Sharia law to adjudicate disputes in their communities. Honor killings are taking place in Europe and, possibly, America. In Sweden and Australia Muslim men have raped White women and used Islamic values to justify it, saying the women were to blame because they weren't wearing hijab. Some cowed Western intellectuals and politicians are now opining that any criticism of Islam is racism. And the Muslim muscle flexing doesn't stop there.
Western Muslims are using our cherished freedoms against us. Our freedoms of religion and speech, for instance, are being exploited by many imams to preach violent, anti-Western sermons in their mosques. Muslims are using the right to protest to hold mass demonstrations to influence Western governments' policies. Democracy has allowed Muslims to elect their co-religionists to political office where they will use their power to further Islamize our society. Any attempt to oppose this Islamization process is denounced as "Islamophobia".
Many Westerners desperately hope that exercising political freedoms will instill in Muslims a commitment to liberal, secular democracy. They are wrong. Democracy, or the exploitation thereof, is the fourth weapon in the "peaceful" jihad. But democracy, reproduction and conversion are useless weapons if Muslims aren't in the West to implement them here. Which brings us back to immigration, the weapon that opens the door to all the others. Why do Muslims come here? Now you know.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
In My Backyard?



Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
God Bless the Hammer Folk!
God Bless our Realm!