Tuesday, February 19, 2008

No Money For You, Missie

It seems that the Danes need to donate some of their courage to their Germanic cousins, the Dutch. While Denmark is standing firm against violent Islamic efforts to squash freedom of speech, the Netherlands is refusing to continue to protect one of it's most prominent citizens from Islamic aggression.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born Dutch citizen and former MP, has lived under armed guard since the 2004 murder of Theo Van Gogh, with whom she made an anti-Islamic film. The Dutch government recently stopped paying for Ali's security, forcing her to appear before the European Parliament (EP) on Valentine's Day to plead for aid. The cost of her security, Ali explained, "is beyond anything I can pay". The EP referred her request to a committee. Encouragingly, some French MPs offered French citizenship to Ali so the French government could protect her. I don't know if Ali accepted their proposal.

This entire episode is an outrage! It should arouse fierce anger in the heart of every Dutch national and every member of the Hammer Folk. The Dutch government has thrown one of its own to the wolves. If Ali doesn't immigrate to France or some other country willing to protect her, she's a dead woman. The jihadis would've succeeded in frightening a Western government out of it's most sacred duty: defending its people. If this proves to be the case, Europe is doomed. Denmark can't stop the Islamic horde alone. Join me in praying the Netherlands will revive its courage and stand against Islamic darkness. All our lives, not just Ayaan Hirsi Ali's, depend on it.

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