Monday, January 21, 2008

Why Not Do This To Islam?

It's baaaaaack! "Corpus Christi", a blasphemous, anti-Christian play first performed in New York City in October of 1998 has reared its ugly head again. The play, which depicts Jesus and His disciples as homosexuals, is set to open on February 7 in Sydney, Australia as part of the city's annual Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. Robert Forsyth, Anglican Bishop of South Sydney, has condemned "Corpus Christi" as "historical nonsense" and "deliberately, not innocently, offensive". He's right. So where's the pc, anti-hate crowd on this one?

Why is it so acceptable in the West to attack Christianity? Perhaps because Christians don't behead people who insult their faith. True, bomb threats were made against "Corpus Christi" when it first opened but no bombings ever took place. So Christian hating gays and other "progressives" feel free to continually mock, ridicule, and attack Christ and His followers. They fancy themselves daring and brave for doing so. But if they truly wanted to be courageous they would mock, ridicule, and attack Islam.

How about Terrence McNally, author of "Corpus Christi", write a play depicting Mohammed and some of his followers as homosexuals. In the play Abu Bakr, Mohammed's best friend and first convert, could give the "prophet" his six-year-old son in marriage rather than his daughter. Mohammed could consummate this marriage when the boy is ten, as he did in real life with Bakr's daughter Aisha. Later, Mohammed could claim that Allah had given him his adopted son's male lover, instead of wife, as his own. Sure, all this would offend Muslims but so what. McNally and his crowd don't give a you-know-what about offending Christians. Why should Muslims be treated with respect?

It's Islamic regimes that are executing gays as violators of morality. Christians who oppose gay marriage do only that; they don't advocate that the government kill gays in order to enforce Biblical morals. Yet Western gay artists and activists remain fixated on Christianity as the primary threat against them. Cowardice explains this disconnect from reality. If McNally wrote the kind of play described above he'd become an instant target for death. In fact, a British Islamic group did issue a fatwa against McNally when "Corpus Christi" ran in London in 1999. The death edict has never been carried out, probably because Jesus isn't the most important figure in Islam's prophet hierarchy. Blasphemy against Mohammed is an altogether different matter. He IS the top dog and "insulting" him is deadly serious business. After seeing how the practitioners of the religion of peace reacted to the publication of mere cartoons of their "prophet", gay activists have been easily terrorized into silence on Islam's anti-gay violence.

Terrence McNally, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Andres Serrano, and others of their ilk who trade in anti-Christian bigotry while ignoring Islamic oppression of women, religious minorities, and gays deserve utter contempt. They are proof of just how cowardly, corrupt, hateful, and pathetic Hesperia's cultural elite is. No credence should be given to anything they say about Christianity or anything else. They should be opposed as fiercely as we oppose enemies of Western Christian civilization for that, in fact, is what they are.

1 comment:

Yankee Doodle said...

It is exactly an issue of who will forgive them vs. who will behead them.

It is also an issue of a hatred of the Christian West, shared by the militant elements of the Islamic and gay communities. (In both communities, of course, there are those who are not militant, and militancy in one community is very different from militancy in the other.)

It is exactly because of hateful, deliberately offensive straight- and Christian-bashing "progressive" militants that the West is now so weakened and thus threatened by radical Islam.