Monday, March 31, 2008

Fitna The Movie -Original English Version- [Part 1]

Here's part one of Dutch PM Geert Wilders' courageous film exposing the truth of Islam. I'm amazed that it's still on YouTube, but it probably won't be for long. I'm sure YT will eventually cave to the threats of those peaceful Muslims just like its British counterpart LiveLeak did. That's why I'm snagging "Fitna" for HFW now. As we watch this film I hope all Hammer Folk will be strengthened in their mission to save Western, Christian civilization from the deadly ideology of Islam.


Anonymous said...

Part 2 is "no longer available." But Part 1 is still up as of today. I've downloaded it too.

Anonymous said...

Of course we don't want these non-whites in our countries with their alien ways and threat to our racial survival. But, who brought them here in the first place? In every white country you will find that the jews corrupted our immigration laws and caused the floodgates to be opened to non-white invasion. I don't like Muslims and their primitive ways but they would not be a concern to us if we were not constantly provoking them on behalf of Israel and the multi-national corporations. Even a cursory examination of the 9/11 event will cause grave doubts about the official version of what happened. Who benefited? Certainly not Isalm or ordinary white people.
The jew and his white collaborators are responsible for the terrible plight of our race, not Islam. The Muslims in our countries are a symptom and undoubtedly a very real threat, but not the cause of our decline.