Saturday, June 30, 2007

Deport the Jihadis!

When I turned on my television today I was confronted with a fiery scene at Glasgow International Airport in Glasgow, Scotland. Two men in a van had tried to ram the gasoline-laden vehicle into one of the airport terminals. Thankfully, barriers prevented the would-be killers from reaching their target. This attempted attack comes on the heels of the attempted double car bombing of nightclubs in London a couple of days ago.

At last check, British authorities didn't know, or weren't saying, if the airport terrorists are connected with Al Quaeda or are freelance copycats. Of course, it really doesn't matter. Muslims want to attack the West and kill Westerners because their religion tells them to, not because Al Quaeda tells them to. The only question is: will Hesperia fight back?

Oh, we'll fight back in a limited fashion. The airport terrorists are already in custody and if convicted will no doubt get long prison sentences. Most people will think the matter has been dealt with and will move on to other things--until the next attack. Hesperia will not survive if it keeps on playing this passive, reactionary role. We Westerners have no moral obligation to wait to be attacked before we defend ourselves. Going on the offensive isn't just a moral imperative, it's strategically crucial for our victory over jihad. And it doesn't always have to mean attacking Muslim countries.

One very important way Westerners can be preemptive is by changing the way we view our own civilization. Our Realm is just that, OUR Realm. Outsiders live here at our discretion and can stay only if they commit themselves to Western culture and values. This runs contrary to the doctrine of multiculturalism, but when multicultualism requires that Western people disown their own heritage and renders them unwilling or unable to defend it, then multiculturalism has to go. Love for and pride in our own culture are nothing to be ashamed of.

Once we understand that living in the Realm is a privilege and not a right, we'll be able to take the steps necessary to protect our home. We must no longer wait for the enemy to attack; we must root out the enemy from among us. Infiltrating mosques and Muslim charities is job one. Mosques and charities shouldn't be targeted willy-nilly, but if there's good intelligence that a particular mosque or charity is spewing jihadism, then it should be spied on. Once it's determined which mosque or charity leaders are teaching radicalism, they should be deported. Period. No hearing. No trail. If they're preaching hatred of the West, they don't belong here, even if they were born here. This applies not only to ethnic Muslims but also to ethnic Westerners who've converted to Islam. If Cat Stevens, for instance, was discovered preaching hatred toward Hesperia, he should be kicked out. His belief in jihad would automatically disqualify him from living here. It's time to play hardball.

Liberals will scream that deporting people for what they believe violates their human rights and you know what? They're right. But during WWII American president and liberal god Franklin Delano Roosevelt interned thousands of Japanese, Germans, and Italians, many of them American citizens, in camps in order to protect his country from sabotage. Roosevelt understood that when the very survival of your country is at stake, civil liberties can be compromised. How much more true that is when an entire civilization is at stake.

No, I'm not saying that fighting the jihadis gives Western leaders the right to arrest, spy on, or otherwise abuse their citizens for trivial reasons. There has to be a reasonable suspicion that a mosque, charity, or an individual Muslim is teaching jihad before any infiltration or spying should occur. But once the spying produces evidence of anti-Western hatred or support for jihad among the targeted Muslims, deportation should result. If a homeowner discovered that an outsider he allowed into his home planned to kill his family he has a moral duty to kick that person out of his house even before he calls the police. Well, the Realm is our civilizational home and we have the same moral duty to eliminate any internal dangers to her and our lives.

Besides, the Muslims thus deported will be leaving a culture they hate, a culture they believe is decadent, Godless, and hopelessly hostile to Islam. You have to wonder why the jihadis among us don't just leave of their own accord. Perhaps it's because they take their task of conquering the West very seriously and know that it can't be done solely by bombing American and British soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Immigration, the "peaceful" jihad, is a crucial tactic in the jihadis plan for victory. We can thwart it by removing the jihadis in our midst and not allowing any others to come in. That's what our survival demands; that's what the Hammer Folk will do.

God bless Hesperia! God bless the Realm! God bless the Hammer Folk!

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