Here's a moving tribute to the Aussies Diggers fighting side by side with the Americans and the Brits for freedom and against tyranny and terrorism in Iraq. Hesperia salutes another branch of Her Majesty's finest!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Tribute to the British Army in Iraq
Here is a moving to the British forces fighting in Iraq. Many of the Brits have been "redeployed" from southern Iraq since this video was made. Hesperia salutes the bravery of Her Majesty's soldiers and honors those who gave their fullest measure.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Crusades, An Introduction
Here's a short introduction to the Crusades. Hopefully, this will whet your appetite to learn the REAL story of Europe's much maligned attempt to defend Christian civilization against Islam.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Remembering the Victims of Stalin
I can't believe I forgot about this, but I did. This year, 2007, marks the 70th anniversary of Stalin's Great Purges, which resulted in the deaths of millions of people. While this blog was created primarily to combat the Islamist threat to the West, Hammer Folk Woman is a forum of resistance to ALL enemies of Western Christian civilization. One of the most viscious, murderous, and insidious of those enemies is Communism.
The Godless, totalitarian scourge that is Communism first gained hold of a nation, Russia, in November* 1917, and the Soviet Union was born. After WWII the Soviets spread the disease into Eastern Europe, China, and other parts of the world. Communists murdered mercilessly everywhere they gained total power. The model for the killing was the Soviet Union, especially under Stalin. The Great Purges, also known as The Great Terror, was Stalin's masterpiece of totalitarian madness.
The Purges, or the Terror, didn't began in 1937 but reached a fever pitch in that year. It's purpose was to crush all opposition to Stalin's power and personality cult. Initially, only "traitorous" Communist Party members were targeted but the killing quickly spread to all walks of life. When it reached it's peak The Terror had consumed millions of lives and given birth to the world's most infamous prison system: the Gulag.
As horrifying as Stalin's Terror was most people today know little or nothing about it. It was a time in Hesperia's past when more people were slaughtered than in the Holocaust, yet it's all but hidden from history. The Hammer Folk will not let this crime against humanity be forgotten. We will remember it. We will remember the victims. Their blood cries out to us from their graves: Never again! Never again the Gulag! Never again The Terror! Never again. Never again. With every fiber of our being we will make it so.
*The Communists' seizure of power took place in October according to the old Julian calender then in use in Russia, that's why it's called the October Revolution.
The Godless, totalitarian scourge that is Communism first gained hold of a nation, Russia, in November* 1917, and the Soviet Union was born. After WWII the Soviets spread the disease into Eastern Europe, China, and other parts of the world. Communists murdered mercilessly everywhere they gained total power. The model for the killing was the Soviet Union, especially under Stalin. The Great Purges, also known as The Great Terror, was Stalin's masterpiece of totalitarian madness.
The Purges, or the Terror, didn't began in 1937 but reached a fever pitch in that year. It's purpose was to crush all opposition to Stalin's power and personality cult. Initially, only "traitorous" Communist Party members were targeted but the killing quickly spread to all walks of life. When it reached it's peak The Terror had consumed millions of lives and given birth to the world's most infamous prison system: the Gulag.
As horrifying as Stalin's Terror was most people today know little or nothing about it. It was a time in Hesperia's past when more people were slaughtered than in the Holocaust, yet it's all but hidden from history. The Hammer Folk will not let this crime against humanity be forgotten. We will remember it. We will remember the victims. Their blood cries out to us from their graves: Never again! Never again the Gulag! Never again The Terror! Never again. Never again. With every fiber of our being we will make it so.
*The Communists' seizure of power took place in October according to the old Julian calender then in use in Russia, that's why it's called the October Revolution.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Charles Martel Day
October is, or should be, a very important month for Hesperians. It is important to the Hammer Folk, who understand what happened on a special day in this month over 1000 years ago.
On October 10, 732 A.D. Charles Martel, the Hammer of the Franks, defeated the Muslim horde, led by Abd-ul Rahman, at the Battle of Tours, aka the Battle of Poitiers. You read that right. Muslims were invading Europe over 300 years BEFORE the First Crusade, which began in 1091. Charles Martel, grandfather of the great emperor Charlemagne, saved Western Christian civilization from Islamic subjugation. Every achievement of the West is ultimately attributable to Martel because his victory preserved Western culture from the retrograde influence of Muhamad's religion. Yet, to my knowledge, there isn't a city, a school, a park, or even a street named for this hero anywhere in the West except, maybe, for France. The Hammer Folk are going to change this dishonorable oversight.
From this year on all Hammer Folk will mark October 10 unofficially as Charles Martel Day. We will do this until October 10 is officially recognized for the historic day it is in ALL of the Realm. We Hammer Folk will mark October 10 as both a somber day of remembrance and reflection, where we examine ourselves to see how much we embody the fighting spirit of Martel, AND as a joyous day of celebrating the West's crucial victory over the Muslims.
As this will be the first Charles Martel Day there are no celebratory traditions for us to follow as there are for other holidays such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. Instead, we get to create our own. To start off, I propose that all Hammer Folk wear red armbands on October 10. Wear the armbands to work, to school, to the store, even to church ( this year Charles Martel Day is on a Wednesday, when many churches have prayer meetings). The armbands should be red to symbolize both the shed blood of Christ and the shed blood of the Muslim invaders fighting to eliminate Christian Europe.
The armbands will inevitably attraction attention; that's what we want. The bands will be tools of "evangelization", opening the door for the Hammer Folk to educate our fellow Hesperians on Islam's historic aggression against the West. Doing that will get at least some of us in trouble. Wearing the armbands on some public school or university campuses will no doubt result in charges of racism from the pc police. When that happens, be strong; stand firm. Show the resolve, determination, and fighting spirit that Charles Martel Day is about to begin with. Just as The Hammer didn't back down in the face of a numerically superior foe so the Hammer Folk, his spiritual descendants, must not back down in the face of our numerically superior foe. For the multiculturalist, self-hating Western liberals do outnumber those of us who love our civilization. But our foes' numbers don't guarantee them victory, just the Muslims' numbers didn't prevail over Martel.
That's all I've come up with for this Charles Martel Day this year. My hope is for the armbands to become a yearly thing. Other Hammer Folk can create other activities that the larger Hammer Folk community can duplicate. Maybe those of us who have kids can take them out of school to celebrate. Or send them to school armed with the historical truth--and the armbands!
It's time we gave Charles Martel the honor he deserves. It's time we jettisoned multiculturalism and political correctness in favor of Western culture, OUR culture. Western Christian civilization is good. It's worth fighting for. It's worth dying for. That's the lesson Charles Martel has to teach us.
In the Spirit of Martel may we live!
On October 10, 732 A.D. Charles Martel, the Hammer of the Franks, defeated the Muslim horde, led by Abd-ul Rahman, at the Battle of Tours, aka the Battle of Poitiers. You read that right. Muslims were invading Europe over 300 years BEFORE the First Crusade, which began in 1091. Charles Martel, grandfather of the great emperor Charlemagne, saved Western Christian civilization from Islamic subjugation. Every achievement of the West is ultimately attributable to Martel because his victory preserved Western culture from the retrograde influence of Muhamad's religion. Yet, to my knowledge, there isn't a city, a school, a park, or even a street named for this hero anywhere in the West except, maybe, for France. The Hammer Folk are going to change this dishonorable oversight.
From this year on all Hammer Folk will mark October 10 unofficially as Charles Martel Day. We will do this until October 10 is officially recognized for the historic day it is in ALL of the Realm. We Hammer Folk will mark October 10 as both a somber day of remembrance and reflection, where we examine ourselves to see how much we embody the fighting spirit of Martel, AND as a joyous day of celebrating the West's crucial victory over the Muslims.
As this will be the first Charles Martel Day there are no celebratory traditions for us to follow as there are for other holidays such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. Instead, we get to create our own. To start off, I propose that all Hammer Folk wear red armbands on October 10. Wear the armbands to work, to school, to the store, even to church ( this year Charles Martel Day is on a Wednesday, when many churches have prayer meetings). The armbands should be red to symbolize both the shed blood of Christ and the shed blood of the Muslim invaders fighting to eliminate Christian Europe.
The armbands will inevitably attraction attention; that's what we want. The bands will be tools of "evangelization", opening the door for the Hammer Folk to educate our fellow Hesperians on Islam's historic aggression against the West. Doing that will get at least some of us in trouble. Wearing the armbands on some public school or university campuses will no doubt result in charges of racism from the pc police. When that happens, be strong; stand firm. Show the resolve, determination, and fighting spirit that Charles Martel Day is about to begin with. Just as The Hammer didn't back down in the face of a numerically superior foe so the Hammer Folk, his spiritual descendants, must not back down in the face of our numerically superior foe. For the multiculturalist, self-hating Western liberals do outnumber those of us who love our civilization. But our foes' numbers don't guarantee them victory, just the Muslims' numbers didn't prevail over Martel.
That's all I've come up with for this Charles Martel Day this year. My hope is for the armbands to become a yearly thing. Other Hammer Folk can create other activities that the larger Hammer Folk community can duplicate. Maybe those of us who have kids can take them out of school to celebrate. Or send them to school armed with the historical truth--and the armbands!
It's time we gave Charles Martel the honor he deserves. It's time we jettisoned multiculturalism and political correctness in favor of Western culture, OUR culture. Western Christian civilization is good. It's worth fighting for. It's worth dying for. That's the lesson Charles Martel has to teach us.
In the Spirit of Martel may we live!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Learning From Our Enemies
The Hammer Folk are keenly aware of the threat posed to the West's survival by resurgent Islam. We distinguish ourselves by our refusal to accept politically correct "explanations" for Islamic terrorism, preferring instead to confront the hard, cold, truth that the jihadis want to destroy us because their religion tells them to. We know who the enemy is and what motivates him. We despise the enemy. We despise his religion. We want his complete and total destruction, and we're not afraid to say so. However, despite our disdain for the jihadis and their faith, we Hammer Folk aren't so arrogant as to think that we can't learn anything from them.
In Hesperia's life-and-death struggle with the Islamists we, the Hammer Folk, understand that the West must be willing to embrace any and all ideas, tactics, practices, or strategies that will aid our victory over jihad, even if they come from the enemy. We must not assume that because the jihadis are anti-Western savages they have nothing to offer us. In fact, they have one idea that could be of great benefit to us Westerners, if we'd only copy it. The idea used to characterize Hesperia but has been repudiated by her for at least a generation. The idea? Love your own culture.
That's right. Love your own culture. A simple concept that, sadly, too many Westeners run from in horror. We have been inundated with the crippling doctrine of multiculturalism, the belief that all cultures are equal and equally good. For Godless Hesperians multiculturalism is their religion. The belief is so strong that many of them feel they must appease, or even collude with, radical Islam to prove they aren't racist. The belief has turned them into self-hating pacifists. If all cultures are the same, then Western culture isn't special, isn't worth dying for. So their committment to multiculturalism drives many Westeners to willingly aid and abet the demise of their own civilization. The jihadis don't subscribe to this insanity.
Radical Muslims have a zealous devotion to their own culture, civilization, and faith. They unapologetically pass this devotion on to their children. The jihadis don't think twice about teaching their kids to love Islam and to believe that Islam is worth dying for. Seeing little children dressed as suicide bombers or waving machine guns around is disturbing to Westeners. However, the Hammer Folk realize that behind these images is the powerful force of cultural self-love. The jihadis believe their culture and their faith are good, even superior, and worth defending. The strength of that believe is reflected in their gun-toting children.
We in the West must recapture the pride we once had in our own civilization, culture, and faith. We must deprogram ourselves from the multiculturalism cult and once again celebrate the accomplishments of our forefathers and the gifts they gave to the world. We must understand that it's ok to celebrate our victories over our enemies. Children waving machine guns around shouldn't disturb us if those children are our own--Americans, Brits, Poles, French, Austrians, Israelis--singing of smashing the Muslims the way their ancestors did at the Battle of Tours, the Gates of Vienna, and the shores of Tripoli. Cultural self-love is the absolute prerequisite to cultural self-defense. The jihadis know this instinctively. Hesperians once did; it's vital that we know, and act on, it again. The Hammer Folk will lead the way.
In Hesperia's life-and-death struggle with the Islamists we, the Hammer Folk, understand that the West must be willing to embrace any and all ideas, tactics, practices, or strategies that will aid our victory over jihad, even if they come from the enemy. We must not assume that because the jihadis are anti-Western savages they have nothing to offer us. In fact, they have one idea that could be of great benefit to us Westerners, if we'd only copy it. The idea used to characterize Hesperia but has been repudiated by her for at least a generation. The idea? Love your own culture.
That's right. Love your own culture. A simple concept that, sadly, too many Westeners run from in horror. We have been inundated with the crippling doctrine of multiculturalism, the belief that all cultures are equal and equally good. For Godless Hesperians multiculturalism is their religion. The belief is so strong that many of them feel they must appease, or even collude with, radical Islam to prove they aren't racist. The belief has turned them into self-hating pacifists. If all cultures are the same, then Western culture isn't special, isn't worth dying for. So their committment to multiculturalism drives many Westeners to willingly aid and abet the demise of their own civilization. The jihadis don't subscribe to this insanity.
Radical Muslims have a zealous devotion to their own culture, civilization, and faith. They unapologetically pass this devotion on to their children. The jihadis don't think twice about teaching their kids to love Islam and to believe that Islam is worth dying for. Seeing little children dressed as suicide bombers or waving machine guns around is disturbing to Westeners. However, the Hammer Folk realize that behind these images is the powerful force of cultural self-love. The jihadis believe their culture and their faith are good, even superior, and worth defending. The strength of that believe is reflected in their gun-toting children.
We in the West must recapture the pride we once had in our own civilization, culture, and faith. We must deprogram ourselves from the multiculturalism cult and once again celebrate the accomplishments of our forefathers and the gifts they gave to the world. We must understand that it's ok to celebrate our victories over our enemies. Children waving machine guns around shouldn't disturb us if those children are our own--Americans, Brits, Poles, French, Austrians, Israelis--singing of smashing the Muslims the way their ancestors did at the Battle of Tours, the Gates of Vienna, and the shores of Tripoli. Cultural self-love is the absolute prerequisite to cultural self-defense. The jihadis know this instinctively. Hesperians once did; it's vital that we know, and act on, it again. The Hammer Folk will lead the way.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Polish Army
An inspiring tribute to one of Hesperia's armies. I love the Polish Army motto: God, Honor, Homeland. Hail Poland!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
"Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat"
I'm beginning a new feature on HFW that I'm calling The Great Speeches. Periodically I'll be posting a copy of one of the great speeches of the West. Considering the dangerous times once again facing our beloved Hesperia, most of the speeches will be "fightin' words", so to speak; words meant to reinvigorate the fighting spirit of Western Man.
I'll begin this new series with one of Sir Winston Churchill's most quoted speeches. He delivered it to the House of Commons on May 13, 1940, shortly after being appointed Prime Minister. When you read this speech you'll almost cry that we don't have today men of such resolve, moral clarity, belief in the worthiness of their civilization, and unapologetic commitment to victory. God give us such men again!!!
"Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat"
On February evening last I received His Majesty's Commission to form a new Administration. It was the evident wish and will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties, both those who supported the late Government and also the parties of the Opposition. I have completed the most important part of this task. A War Cabinet has been formed of five Members representing, with the Opposition Liberals, the unity of the nation. The three party Leaders have agreed to serve, either in the War Cabinet or in high executive office. The three Fighting Services have been filled. It was necessary that this should be done in one single day, on account of the extreme urgency and rigour of events. A number of other key positions were filled yesterday, and I am submitting a further list to His Majesty tonight. I hope to complete the appointment of the principal Ministers during tomorrow. The appointments of the other Ministers usually takes a little longer, but I trust that when Parliament meets again this part of my task will be completed, and that the Administration will be complete in all respects.
I considered it in the public interest to suggest that the House should be summoned to meet today. Mr. Speaker agreed, and took the necessary steps, in accordance with the powers conferred upon him by the Resolution of the House. At the end of the proceedings today, the Adjournment of the House will be proposed until Tuesday, 21 May, with, of course, provision for earlier meeting if need be. The business to be considered during that week will be notified to Members at the earliest oppportunity. I now invite the House, by the Resolution which stands in my name, to record its approval of the steps taken and to declare its confidence in the new Government.
To form an Administration of this scale and complexity is a serious undertaking in itself, but it must be remembered that we are in the preliminary stage of one of the greatest battles in history, that we are in action at many points in Norway and in Holland, that we have to be prepared in the Mediterranean, that the air battle is continuous and that many preparations have to be made here at home. In this crisis I hope I may be pardoned if I do not address the House at any length today. I hope that any of my friends and colleagues, or former colleagues, who are affected by the political reconstruction, will make all the allowance for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act. I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined the Government: 'I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.'
We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength God can give us: to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, What is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory--victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. Let that be realized; no survival for the British Empire; no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for; no survival for the urge and impulse of the ages, that mankind will move forward towards its goal. But I take up my task with buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. At this time I feel entitled to claim the aid of all, and I say, 'Come, then, let us go forward together with our united strength.'
I'll begin this new series with one of Sir Winston Churchill's most quoted speeches. He delivered it to the House of Commons on May 13, 1940, shortly after being appointed Prime Minister. When you read this speech you'll almost cry that we don't have today men of such resolve, moral clarity, belief in the worthiness of their civilization, and unapologetic commitment to victory. God give us such men again!!!
"Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat"
On February evening last I received His Majesty's Commission to form a new Administration. It was the evident wish and will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties, both those who supported the late Government and also the parties of the Opposition. I have completed the most important part of this task. A War Cabinet has been formed of five Members representing, with the Opposition Liberals, the unity of the nation. The three party Leaders have agreed to serve, either in the War Cabinet or in high executive office. The three Fighting Services have been filled. It was necessary that this should be done in one single day, on account of the extreme urgency and rigour of events. A number of other key positions were filled yesterday, and I am submitting a further list to His Majesty tonight. I hope to complete the appointment of the principal Ministers during tomorrow. The appointments of the other Ministers usually takes a little longer, but I trust that when Parliament meets again this part of my task will be completed, and that the Administration will be complete in all respects.
I considered it in the public interest to suggest that the House should be summoned to meet today. Mr. Speaker agreed, and took the necessary steps, in accordance with the powers conferred upon him by the Resolution of the House. At the end of the proceedings today, the Adjournment of the House will be proposed until Tuesday, 21 May, with, of course, provision for earlier meeting if need be. The business to be considered during that week will be notified to Members at the earliest oppportunity. I now invite the House, by the Resolution which stands in my name, to record its approval of the steps taken and to declare its confidence in the new Government.
To form an Administration of this scale and complexity is a serious undertaking in itself, but it must be remembered that we are in the preliminary stage of one of the greatest battles in history, that we are in action at many points in Norway and in Holland, that we have to be prepared in the Mediterranean, that the air battle is continuous and that many preparations have to be made here at home. In this crisis I hope I may be pardoned if I do not address the House at any length today. I hope that any of my friends and colleagues, or former colleagues, who are affected by the political reconstruction, will make all the allowance for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act. I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined the Government: 'I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.'
We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength God can give us: to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, What is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory--victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. Let that be realized; no survival for the British Empire; no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for; no survival for the urge and impulse of the ages, that mankind will move forward towards its goal. But I take up my task with buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. At this time I feel entitled to claim the aid of all, and I say, 'Come, then, let us go forward together with our united strength.'
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Quotable Quotes: War
"War is horrible but slavery is worse." Sir Winston Churchill.
Those who seek surrender, lust after defeat, and/or pursue appeasement in Hesperia's current fight with resurgent Islamic imperialism would do well to meditate on Churchill's somber words. Though spoken decades ago they tell a truth that too many of our people doggedly ignore. God let them awake before it is too late!
In the Spirit of Martel may we live!
Those who seek surrender, lust after defeat, and/or pursue appeasement in Hesperia's current fight with resurgent Islamic imperialism would do well to meditate on Churchill's somber words. Though spoken decades ago they tell a truth that too many of our people doggedly ignore. God let them awake before it is too late!
In the Spirit of Martel may we live!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
The Poison of Multiculturalism
In my previous post I briefly mentioned the doctrine of multicultualism and how it's emasculating the West. I'm not the only Westerner who sees this danger. Other of my fellow Hesperians also see the danger and sound the alarm far more skillfully than I can. I'd like to share one such warning with you. Below is an excerpt from Diana West's article "Burnt Offerings on the Altar of Multiculturalism". It is copied from the June issue of the Christian magazine SALT.
Only one faith on Earth may be more messiaic than Islam: multicultualism. Without it--without its fanatics who believe all civilizations are the same--the engine that projects Islam into the unprotected heart of Western civilization would stall and fail. It's as simple as that. To live among the believers--the multiculturalists--is to watch the assault, the jihad, take place un-repulsed by our suicidal societies. These societies are not doomed to submit; rather, they are eager to do so in the name of a masochistic brand of tolerance that, short of drastic measures, is surely terminal.
I'm not talking about our soldiers, policemen, rescue workers, and now, even train conductors, who bravely and steadfastly risk their lives for civilization abroad and at home. Instead, I'm thinking about who we are as a society at this somewhat advanced stage of war. It is a strange, tentative civilization we have become, with leaders who strut their promises of "no surrender" even as they flinch at indentifying the foe. Four years past 9/11, we continue to shadow-box "terror", even as we go on about "an ideology of hate". It's a script that smacks of sci-fi fantasy more than realpolitik....
In not discussing the roots of teror in Islam itself, in not learning about them, the multicultural clergy that shepherds our elites prevenst us from having to to anything about them. This is key, because any serious action--stopping immigration from jihad-sponsoring naitons, shutting down mosques that preach violence and expelling their imams, just for starters--means to renounce the multicultural creed. In the West, that's the greatest apostasy. And while the penalty is not death--as it is for leaving Islam under Islamic law--the existential crisis is to be avoided at all costs. Including extinction.
Pretty potent stuff. The Hammer Folk, the spiritual descendants of Muslim fighter and defender of Christendom Charles Martel, must take Ms. West's words to heart and rise to defend Hesperia by all means necessary. The only things that need to be extinct are multiculturalism and jihad. God willing, they soon will be.
Only one faith on Earth may be more messiaic than Islam: multicultualism. Without it--without its fanatics who believe all civilizations are the same--the engine that projects Islam into the unprotected heart of Western civilization would stall and fail. It's as simple as that. To live among the believers--the multiculturalists--is to watch the assault, the jihad, take place un-repulsed by our suicidal societies. These societies are not doomed to submit; rather, they are eager to do so in the name of a masochistic brand of tolerance that, short of drastic measures, is surely terminal.
I'm not talking about our soldiers, policemen, rescue workers, and now, even train conductors, who bravely and steadfastly risk their lives for civilization abroad and at home. Instead, I'm thinking about who we are as a society at this somewhat advanced stage of war. It is a strange, tentative civilization we have become, with leaders who strut their promises of "no surrender" even as they flinch at indentifying the foe. Four years past 9/11, we continue to shadow-box "terror", even as we go on about "an ideology of hate". It's a script that smacks of sci-fi fantasy more than realpolitik....
In not discussing the roots of teror in Islam itself, in not learning about them, the multicultural clergy that shepherds our elites prevenst us from having to to anything about them. This is key, because any serious action--stopping immigration from jihad-sponsoring naitons, shutting down mosques that preach violence and expelling their imams, just for starters--means to renounce the multicultural creed. In the West, that's the greatest apostasy. And while the penalty is not death--as it is for leaving Islam under Islamic law--the existential crisis is to be avoided at all costs. Including extinction.
Pretty potent stuff. The Hammer Folk, the spiritual descendants of Muslim fighter and defender of Christendom Charles Martel, must take Ms. West's words to heart and rise to defend Hesperia by all means necessary. The only things that need to be extinct are multiculturalism and jihad. God willing, they soon will be.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Deport the Jihadis!
When I turned on my television today I was confronted with a fiery scene at Glasgow International Airport in Glasgow, Scotland. Two men in a van had tried to ram the gasoline-laden vehicle into one of the airport terminals. Thankfully, barriers prevented the would-be killers from reaching their target. This attempted attack comes on the heels of the attempted double car bombing of nightclubs in London a couple of days ago.
At last check, British authorities didn't know, or weren't saying, if the airport terrorists are connected with Al Quaeda or are freelance copycats. Of course, it really doesn't matter. Muslims want to attack the West and kill Westerners because their religion tells them to, not because Al Quaeda tells them to. The only question is: will Hesperia fight back?
Oh, we'll fight back in a limited fashion. The airport terrorists are already in custody and if convicted will no doubt get long prison sentences. Most people will think the matter has been dealt with and will move on to other things--until the next attack. Hesperia will not survive if it keeps on playing this passive, reactionary role. We Westerners have no moral obligation to wait to be attacked before we defend ourselves. Going on the offensive isn't just a moral imperative, it's strategically crucial for our victory over jihad. And it doesn't always have to mean attacking Muslim countries.
One very important way Westerners can be preemptive is by changing the way we view our own civilization. Our Realm is just that, OUR Realm. Outsiders live here at our discretion and can stay only if they commit themselves to Western culture and values. This runs contrary to the doctrine of multiculturalism, but when multicultualism requires that Western people disown their own heritage and renders them unwilling or unable to defend it, then multiculturalism has to go. Love for and pride in our own culture are nothing to be ashamed of.
Once we understand that living in the Realm is a privilege and not a right, we'll be able to take the steps necessary to protect our home. We must no longer wait for the enemy to attack; we must root out the enemy from among us. Infiltrating mosques and Muslim charities is job one. Mosques and charities shouldn't be targeted willy-nilly, but if there's good intelligence that a particular mosque or charity is spewing jihadism, then it should be spied on. Once it's determined which mosque or charity leaders are teaching radicalism, they should be deported. Period. No hearing. No trail. If they're preaching hatred of the West, they don't belong here, even if they were born here. This applies not only to ethnic Muslims but also to ethnic Westerners who've converted to Islam. If Cat Stevens, for instance, was discovered preaching hatred toward Hesperia, he should be kicked out. His belief in jihad would automatically disqualify him from living here. It's time to play hardball.
Liberals will scream that deporting people for what they believe violates their human rights and you know what? They're right. But during WWII American president and liberal god Franklin Delano Roosevelt interned thousands of Japanese, Germans, and Italians, many of them American citizens, in camps in order to protect his country from sabotage. Roosevelt understood that when the very survival of your country is at stake, civil liberties can be compromised. How much more true that is when an entire civilization is at stake.
No, I'm not saying that fighting the jihadis gives Western leaders the right to arrest, spy on, or otherwise abuse their citizens for trivial reasons. There has to be a reasonable suspicion that a mosque, charity, or an individual Muslim is teaching jihad before any infiltration or spying should occur. But once the spying produces evidence of anti-Western hatred or support for jihad among the targeted Muslims, deportation should result. If a homeowner discovered that an outsider he allowed into his home planned to kill his family he has a moral duty to kick that person out of his house even before he calls the police. Well, the Realm is our civilizational home and we have the same moral duty to eliminate any internal dangers to her and our lives.
Besides, the Muslims thus deported will be leaving a culture they hate, a culture they believe is decadent, Godless, and hopelessly hostile to Islam. You have to wonder why the jihadis among us don't just leave of their own accord. Perhaps it's because they take their task of conquering the West very seriously and know that it can't be done solely by bombing American and British soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Immigration, the "peaceful" jihad, is a crucial tactic in the jihadis plan for victory. We can thwart it by removing the jihadis in our midst and not allowing any others to come in. That's what our survival demands; that's what the Hammer Folk will do.
God bless Hesperia! God bless the Realm! God bless the Hammer Folk!
At last check, British authorities didn't know, or weren't saying, if the airport terrorists are connected with Al Quaeda or are freelance copycats. Of course, it really doesn't matter. Muslims want to attack the West and kill Westerners because their religion tells them to, not because Al Quaeda tells them to. The only question is: will Hesperia fight back?
Oh, we'll fight back in a limited fashion. The airport terrorists are already in custody and if convicted will no doubt get long prison sentences. Most people will think the matter has been dealt with and will move on to other things--until the next attack. Hesperia will not survive if it keeps on playing this passive, reactionary role. We Westerners have no moral obligation to wait to be attacked before we defend ourselves. Going on the offensive isn't just a moral imperative, it's strategically crucial for our victory over jihad. And it doesn't always have to mean attacking Muslim countries.
One very important way Westerners can be preemptive is by changing the way we view our own civilization. Our Realm is just that, OUR Realm. Outsiders live here at our discretion and can stay only if they commit themselves to Western culture and values. This runs contrary to the doctrine of multiculturalism, but when multicultualism requires that Western people disown their own heritage and renders them unwilling or unable to defend it, then multiculturalism has to go. Love for and pride in our own culture are nothing to be ashamed of.
Once we understand that living in the Realm is a privilege and not a right, we'll be able to take the steps necessary to protect our home. We must no longer wait for the enemy to attack; we must root out the enemy from among us. Infiltrating mosques and Muslim charities is job one. Mosques and charities shouldn't be targeted willy-nilly, but if there's good intelligence that a particular mosque or charity is spewing jihadism, then it should be spied on. Once it's determined which mosque or charity leaders are teaching radicalism, they should be deported. Period. No hearing. No trail. If they're preaching hatred of the West, they don't belong here, even if they were born here. This applies not only to ethnic Muslims but also to ethnic Westerners who've converted to Islam. If Cat Stevens, for instance, was discovered preaching hatred toward Hesperia, he should be kicked out. His belief in jihad would automatically disqualify him from living here. It's time to play hardball.
Liberals will scream that deporting people for what they believe violates their human rights and you know what? They're right. But during WWII American president and liberal god Franklin Delano Roosevelt interned thousands of Japanese, Germans, and Italians, many of them American citizens, in camps in order to protect his country from sabotage. Roosevelt understood that when the very survival of your country is at stake, civil liberties can be compromised. How much more true that is when an entire civilization is at stake.
No, I'm not saying that fighting the jihadis gives Western leaders the right to arrest, spy on, or otherwise abuse their citizens for trivial reasons. There has to be a reasonable suspicion that a mosque, charity, or an individual Muslim is teaching jihad before any infiltration or spying should occur. But once the spying produces evidence of anti-Western hatred or support for jihad among the targeted Muslims, deportation should result. If a homeowner discovered that an outsider he allowed into his home planned to kill his family he has a moral duty to kick that person out of his house even before he calls the police. Well, the Realm is our civilizational home and we have the same moral duty to eliminate any internal dangers to her and our lives.
Besides, the Muslims thus deported will be leaving a culture they hate, a culture they believe is decadent, Godless, and hopelessly hostile to Islam. You have to wonder why the jihadis among us don't just leave of their own accord. Perhaps it's because they take their task of conquering the West very seriously and know that it can't be done solely by bombing American and British soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Immigration, the "peaceful" jihad, is a crucial tactic in the jihadis plan for victory. We can thwart it by removing the jihadis in our midst and not allowing any others to come in. That's what our survival demands; that's what the Hammer Folk will do.
God bless Hesperia! God bless the Realm! God bless the Hammer Folk!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Defining the Realm
I've thought a lot about how to mobilize Western people to the defense of their civilization. Right now, it's painfully clear that most Westerners don't care to defend themselves, their individual nations, or their civilization. I think that's partly due to the absense of an awarness of a common identity, the reality that we are, ultimately, one people. The jihadis who want to kill us see us that way. Yes, they will play us against each other and try to divide us, but they really view us as a sinlge enemy. One way to combat that tactic is to cultivate a new sense of civilizational patriotism among the individual Western people and nations.
The Muslims have something they call the 'umma. The 'umma is the entire Muslim population; it comprises ALL Muslims, no matter where they live. It is a supranational and multiracial community of believers. The jihadis are trying to revive commitment to the 'umma and make said commitment higher than patriotism or racial/tribal loyalty. We Westerners need to learn from our enemies and reconnect to our own "'umma", which I call our Realm.
Western civilization is the greatest civilization created by man. It truly is a glorious Realm. It gave mankind its greatest ideas and ideals. Equality, human rights, the rule of law, democracy, scientific progress, religious freedom and a host of other ideas have benefitted countless people in the West and around the world. Why we aren't estactically proud of this accomplishment is beyond me. Instead, we wallow in guilt and self-hatred leading to a frightening unwillingness and inability to defend our home intellectually or politically, let alone militarily. This must change.
Reconnecting to our Realm is a major step in the right direction. Love for the Realm isn't meant to replace patriotism for individual nations. The nations within the Realm each have rich cultures and histories that should certainly be respected, loved, and preserved. We just need to realize that our individual nations make up a whole that also deserves to be respected, loved, preserved--and protected.
The Realm can be called simply the Realm, or it can be called Hesperia, a name I derived from the Greek word for west. Both names sound good to me. Geographically, the Realm is made up of two parts, the Home Realm and the Settler Realm. The Home Realm (HR) is Europe, the home of Western civilization. And by "Europe" I mean every inch of the European continent, not just western Europe. All Europeans--Brits, Germans, Russians, Swedes, Spaniards, Greeks, you name it--are equally Hesperian.
The Settler Realm (SR) is the places where Europeans settled and planted Western cultures. It includes, of course, America, along with Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, South Africa, Argentina and possibly other countries. I say "possibly" because not all of the places where Europeans settled remain Western in culture or outlook. That's why I hesitate to include most Latin American countries in the SR. Argentina is pretty Western due to its mostly white population. Other Latin American countries, though, are so culturally mixed that it's hard to determine how Western they are. I will continue to investigate which countries should be included in the SR; I certainly don't want to leave any of my Hesperian brothers out!
The inhabitants of the two Realms I call the Home Folk (HF) and the Settler Folk (SF). They are the two members of the Realm Family or RF. The members of the RF don't always get along. Overcoming our differences will be a hard and ongoing task, but overcome them we must. Our enemies want all of us either converted, subjugated, or dead. We and our Realm will survive only if we're united and willing to fight. I hope this little "lesson" in who we are as Westerners will motivate my fellow Hesperians to love and fight for our Realm.
God bless the Realm! God bless Hesperia! God bless the Hammer Folk!
The Muslims have something they call the 'umma. The 'umma is the entire Muslim population; it comprises ALL Muslims, no matter where they live. It is a supranational and multiracial community of believers. The jihadis are trying to revive commitment to the 'umma and make said commitment higher than patriotism or racial/tribal loyalty. We Westerners need to learn from our enemies and reconnect to our own "'umma", which I call our Realm.
Western civilization is the greatest civilization created by man. It truly is a glorious Realm. It gave mankind its greatest ideas and ideals. Equality, human rights, the rule of law, democracy, scientific progress, religious freedom and a host of other ideas have benefitted countless people in the West and around the world. Why we aren't estactically proud of this accomplishment is beyond me. Instead, we wallow in guilt and self-hatred leading to a frightening unwillingness and inability to defend our home intellectually or politically, let alone militarily. This must change.
Reconnecting to our Realm is a major step in the right direction. Love for the Realm isn't meant to replace patriotism for individual nations. The nations within the Realm each have rich cultures and histories that should certainly be respected, loved, and preserved. We just need to realize that our individual nations make up a whole that also deserves to be respected, loved, preserved--and protected.
The Realm can be called simply the Realm, or it can be called Hesperia, a name I derived from the Greek word for west. Both names sound good to me. Geographically, the Realm is made up of two parts, the Home Realm and the Settler Realm. The Home Realm (HR) is Europe, the home of Western civilization. And by "Europe" I mean every inch of the European continent, not just western Europe. All Europeans--Brits, Germans, Russians, Swedes, Spaniards, Greeks, you name it--are equally Hesperian.
The Settler Realm (SR) is the places where Europeans settled and planted Western cultures. It includes, of course, America, along with Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, South Africa, Argentina and possibly other countries. I say "possibly" because not all of the places where Europeans settled remain Western in culture or outlook. That's why I hesitate to include most Latin American countries in the SR. Argentina is pretty Western due to its mostly white population. Other Latin American countries, though, are so culturally mixed that it's hard to determine how Western they are. I will continue to investigate which countries should be included in the SR; I certainly don't want to leave any of my Hesperian brothers out!
The inhabitants of the two Realms I call the Home Folk (HF) and the Settler Folk (SF). They are the two members of the Realm Family or RF. The members of the RF don't always get along. Overcoming our differences will be a hard and ongoing task, but overcome them we must. Our enemies want all of us either converted, subjugated, or dead. We and our Realm will survive only if we're united and willing to fight. I hope this little "lesson" in who we are as Westerners will motivate my fellow Hesperians to love and fight for our Realm.
God bless the Realm! God bless Hesperia! God bless the Hammer Folk!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Why "Hammer Folk Woman"?
In case you were wondering, I will take a little time and explain the name of this, my newest blog.
Hammer refers to Charles Martel, the Hammer of Gaul, who stopped the Muslim advance into Europe at the Battle of Tours (aka the Battle of Poitiers) in 732 AD. Yes, the Muslims were attacking the West more than 300 years BEFORE the first Crusade. Charles Martel saw the threat posed to his country, faith, and civilization by the Muslims of his time and responded with furious force, hence the moniker Martel, the Hammer. In this time of renewed Islamic imperialism all Westerners must become Hammers ready to fight to save our civilization, our nations, and our faith. We stopped the Muslims once, we can stop them again.
I've always liked the word "folk". I know for some it has negative conotations because the Nazis used it to describe the German nation, but the word itself is quite innocent. For me it carries the idea of a tribe bound by shared values, customs, goals and beliefs, not necessarily by race or geography. The Hammer Folk, then, are those in the West who embody the fighting spirit of Charles Martel by loving Western civilization and their individual nations, and vigorously defending them from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
I wanted to emphasize that this blog is being written by a woman because I feel it's vitally important to oppose left-wing group think which insists that a person's beliefs--political, religious, cultural--are and should be determined by the group to which he/she belongs and not by independent, critical thinking. I know that there are leftists out there who think that, because I'm a woman, I have an obligation to hate the West and to feel perpetually oppressed by it. I'm supposed to feel a kindred spirit with other "oppressed peoples" and make excuses for the savage violence they commit. I'm supposed to believe that Islamic terrorism is the West's fault and can only be stopped by the West engaging in endless atonement for the sins of colonialism. Anything less is "racism". In short, I'm supposed to be Rosie O'Donnell, but I take great pleasure and pride in rejecting the treasonous role the left has scripted for me.
I'm a woman, a black woman, who loves the West and considers it to be my civilization, my home, and its people my people. I feel no kinship with the non-white, non-Western killers who slaughter my people like cattle. The only thing they will get from me is hate. I am a woman who will defend my civilization, my home, and my people any way I can. I am Hammer, I'm part of the Folk, and I'm a Woman. Hammer Folk Woman. Get it?
Hammer refers to Charles Martel, the Hammer of Gaul, who stopped the Muslim advance into Europe at the Battle of Tours (aka the Battle of Poitiers) in 732 AD. Yes, the Muslims were attacking the West more than 300 years BEFORE the first Crusade. Charles Martel saw the threat posed to his country, faith, and civilization by the Muslims of his time and responded with furious force, hence the moniker Martel, the Hammer. In this time of renewed Islamic imperialism all Westerners must become Hammers ready to fight to save our civilization, our nations, and our faith. We stopped the Muslims once, we can stop them again.
I've always liked the word "folk". I know for some it has negative conotations because the Nazis used it to describe the German nation, but the word itself is quite innocent. For me it carries the idea of a tribe bound by shared values, customs, goals and beliefs, not necessarily by race or geography. The Hammer Folk, then, are those in the West who embody the fighting spirit of Charles Martel by loving Western civilization and their individual nations, and vigorously defending them from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
I wanted to emphasize that this blog is being written by a woman because I feel it's vitally important to oppose left-wing group think which insists that a person's beliefs--political, religious, cultural--are and should be determined by the group to which he/she belongs and not by independent, critical thinking. I know that there are leftists out there who think that, because I'm a woman, I have an obligation to hate the West and to feel perpetually oppressed by it. I'm supposed to feel a kindred spirit with other "oppressed peoples" and make excuses for the savage violence they commit. I'm supposed to believe that Islamic terrorism is the West's fault and can only be stopped by the West engaging in endless atonement for the sins of colonialism. Anything less is "racism". In short, I'm supposed to be Rosie O'Donnell, but I take great pleasure and pride in rejecting the treasonous role the left has scripted for me.
I'm a woman, a black woman, who loves the West and considers it to be my civilization, my home, and its people my people. I feel no kinship with the non-white, non-Western killers who slaughter my people like cattle. The only thing they will get from me is hate. I am a woman who will defend my civilization, my home, and my people any way I can. I am Hammer, I'm part of the Folk, and I'm a Woman. Hammer Folk Woman. Get it?
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Welcome to Hammer Folk Woman
Welcome to Hammer Folk Woman! This blog is dedicated to defending Western Christian civilization--our sacred Realm-- against the Islamist horde and any other horde that dares to raise its hand againt it. I will defend my home! I am not afraid! No submission! No retreat!
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