It's about time!!!!! Today Israel finally took decisive action against the terrorist training camp otherwise known as the Gaza Strip. The Jewish state finally got fed up with Hamas, which controls the Strip, firing rockets at its citizens and began a punishing air offensive to stop it. Again, I say it's about time!!!!
It's about time Israel committed itself to it's own defense no matter what the anti-Semitic "world community" thinks. Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. Instead of improving the lives of the Gazan Palestinians since gaining control there last year, Hamas has done nothing but attack Israel. The Israelis have been patient, even naive, in dealing with these Palestinian scumbags. Trying to please the world, trying to be humane, Israel let its people get bombarded by endless rocket attacks without fighting back. And what did the Jewish state get for that? Nothing but contempt and condemnation just for existing. That stopped today.
Today, Israel unleashed its armed might against that nest of vipers in Gaza. Israeli planes bombed Hamas strongholds, killing at least 200 people, and the offensive shows no sign of slowing. I hope and pray that this is just the beginning. I hope and pray that Israel is determined not to stop until Hamas is utterly decimated, no matter how many civilian casualties that requires. The last thing Israel needs is a repeat of the disastrous Lebanon war of '06, when she caved to world opinion and stopped fighting way short of victory. The result of that is that Hezboallah is now stronger than it was two years ago. Israel can't afford that again.
So far, Israel has said that its aim in this offensive is to stop Hamas's rocket attacks. That doesn't sit well with me. While stopping the rocket attacks is good, Israel's goal should be larger than that. Her goal should be to ensure her survival. Personally, I think that should mean cleansing Gaza entirely of Palestinians. Israel should force the Gazan Palestinians into the Sinai desert and let their Arab "brothers" take care of them. She should then repopulate Gaza with patriotic Israelis who are unapologetically committed to their nation's survival. Israel almost certainly won't do this but she should, and then tell the "world community" to f**k off.
Where ever Israel's current offensive leads I pray the Jewish state has the resolve to fight to total victory for, as Winston Churchill said in his nation's darkest hour, without victory there is no survival. Hail Israel!!!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Quotable Quotes: On Multiculturalism
"If all cultures are equal then cannibalism would just be a matter of taste. That's what the multi culti people just don't understand." Pela68, blogger.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Merry Dhimmitude!
I can't believe what I'm about to write here. No wait, I CAN believe it; I just don't want to. I came across this story on Angel's blog at Woman Honor Thyself and I thought I'd put my spin on it here. Read it and weep.
In Armonk, New York the Islamic star and crescent has been added to the village's Christmas display along with the Christmas tree and the menorah. Never mind that there isn't an Islamic holiday in December; the PC whipped townlet felt it was time to be inclusive--man I hate that word!--and celebrate all cultures during this Christian holiday. Actually, this wasn't the town's idea. Asad Jilani, a Muslim resident of Armonk, felt left out--poor thing!--and asked the village to include the symbol for his religion, you know, the one that inspires people the world over to murder "infidels", i.e. you and me. Such inclusiveness. All to promote peace, you see. Good, good, good vibrations!
When the star and crescent went up Jilani and two other townspeople expressed the majority opinion, calling the Islamic display "very attractive" and Armonk "magnificent" for being so open. The director of the Armonk Chamber of Commerce, Judy Wesley, was pleased at Armonk's "spirit of inclusion" and claimed that "Jesus Christ himself would have gathered everyone around Him." What ARE these people smoking?!?!
Let me explain something to the clueless, self-hating dhimmis of Armonk. Armonk is a town in New York. New York is a state in the United States of America. The U.S. of A is a country in Western civilization. The religious heritage of Western civilization is CHRISTIAN. During Christmas we Westerners celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ who gave us our Christian heritage. Christmas was never meant to be "inclusive". It is an expression of our great Judeo-Christian culture, a culture we should CHERISH, not submerge into a messy, multicultural composite.
The culture that should be celebrated in the West is Western culture, and it should be celebrated without apology. Islam is not part of our heritage, except when we fought against its efforts to conquer us. We have NO obligation to put the star and crescent in our Christmas displays or any where else, for that matter. And if Muslims complain? Tough. Their demands for tolerance and inclusion would have more credibility if they practiced those things themselves. How tolerant is the Islamic Republic of Iran, which hangs homosexuals? How inclusive is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where Islam is the only legal religion?
Instead of whining about being left out of our holiday festivities, Asad Jilani and other Western Muslims should be out protesting the tyranny and intolerance of Muslim societies. And we true Westerners should firmly reject unilateral tolerance, unilateral inclusiveness, and unilateral multiculturalism and recommit ourselves to pride in OUR OWN culture. We need to reawaken ourselves to the greatness of Western Christian civilization and fight for its survival. Otherwise "Merry Christmas" will be replaced with "Merry Dhimmitude".
In the Spirit of Martel may we live!
In Armonk, New York the Islamic star and crescent has been added to the village's Christmas display along with the Christmas tree and the menorah. Never mind that there isn't an Islamic holiday in December; the PC whipped townlet felt it was time to be inclusive--man I hate that word!--and celebrate all cultures during this Christian holiday. Actually, this wasn't the town's idea. Asad Jilani, a Muslim resident of Armonk, felt left out--poor thing!--and asked the village to include the symbol for his religion, you know, the one that inspires people the world over to murder "infidels", i.e. you and me. Such inclusiveness. All to promote peace, you see. Good, good, good vibrations!
When the star and crescent went up Jilani and two other townspeople expressed the majority opinion, calling the Islamic display "very attractive" and Armonk "magnificent" for being so open. The director of the Armonk Chamber of Commerce, Judy Wesley, was pleased at Armonk's "spirit of inclusion" and claimed that "Jesus Christ himself would have gathered everyone around Him." What ARE these people smoking?!?!
Let me explain something to the clueless, self-hating dhimmis of Armonk. Armonk is a town in New York. New York is a state in the United States of America. The U.S. of A is a country in Western civilization. The religious heritage of Western civilization is CHRISTIAN. During Christmas we Westerners celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ who gave us our Christian heritage. Christmas was never meant to be "inclusive". It is an expression of our great Judeo-Christian culture, a culture we should CHERISH, not submerge into a messy, multicultural composite.
The culture that should be celebrated in the West is Western culture, and it should be celebrated without apology. Islam is not part of our heritage, except when we fought against its efforts to conquer us. We have NO obligation to put the star and crescent in our Christmas displays or any where else, for that matter. And if Muslims complain? Tough. Their demands for tolerance and inclusion would have more credibility if they practiced those things themselves. How tolerant is the Islamic Republic of Iran, which hangs homosexuals? How inclusive is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where Islam is the only legal religion?
Instead of whining about being left out of our holiday festivities, Asad Jilani and other Western Muslims should be out protesting the tyranny and intolerance of Muslim societies. And we true Westerners should firmly reject unilateral tolerance, unilateral inclusiveness, and unilateral multiculturalism and recommit ourselves to pride in OUR OWN culture. We need to reawaken ourselves to the greatness of Western Christian civilization and fight for its survival. Otherwise "Merry Christmas" will be replaced with "Merry Dhimmitude".
In the Spirit of Martel may we live!
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